
Twenty milligrams of drug Y is injected intravenously. One hour after the injection, blood is collected and assayed for the concentration of drug Y. If the concentration of drug Y in this specimen was 0.4 mg/L, what is the volume of the distribution for this drug?

Accepted Solution

Answer:The volume of the distribution for this drug is 50 LStep-by-step explanation:Data provided in the question;Amount of Drug Y injected = 20 milligramsConcentration of drug Y = 0.4 mg/LNow,The concentration is given as:concentration = [tex]\frac{\textup{Mass of the solute}}{\textup{Volume of solution}}[/tex] Thus,0.4 mg/L = Β [tex]\frac{\textup{20 mg}}{\textup{Volume of solution}}[/tex] orVolume of solution = [tex]\frac{20}{0.4}[/tex]orVolume of solution = 50 LHence,The volume of the distribution for this drug is 50 L